+31 6 47 258 321 info@ficino.nl

A rare moment of quiet around here, while two of my boys are napping and my husband is taking the car to the carwash center with the older two. So… what to do…. napping myself, laundry (always an option) or… since I’m finally in the mood for it, some ‘content creation’. I’m always a little envious on how easy it looks to blog a few times per week for e.g. Laura Vanderkam and Crystal Paine, and my buddy Ilsabeth just released her newsletter. Regular blogging is not a part of my daily rhythm yet, and that would have to change because… well, I think I can share nuggets of experiental ‘wisdom’ through blogs and other free content, to give you some inspiration!

Our three eldest were having a sleepover with my parents the other night. My husband and I were having visions of sleeping in like a thirsty couple walking in the desert. Ring ring, did the phone, and our gardener proposed to come do some work from 7:30 in the morning, with some input needed from us. We had an enormously productive morning in return. Without three kids running around, climbing the curtains and such, you can get a lot done, be it ‘just laundry’ and some other housekeeping. And it was nice to talk to eachother in relative quiet. Our fourth son is such an easygoing babe! He just sleeps, drinks, cuddles, plays with his tinkling toys and well, goes to sleep again. So he did not impact our peaceful puttering around the house very much. I consider myself extremely fortunate with relaxed babys and fit grandparents who can take three kids for sleepovers. Do you have that kind of option with family or friends nearby?

We are watching the winter Olympics as well. Speed skating, in which the Dutch typically excell, is planned conveniently around lunch time, so we do succumb to watching TV while eating, but hey, it’s sports and with that, educational, right? What is your stance in the ethereal screen time for kids-discussion?

Furthermore, it was spring break last week, so, among other outings, my mom and I took the three eldest by train to ‘s Hertogenbosch, which is a city nearby. Not their first time going by train but still a great adventure because the trip involved two types of trains and switching trains halfway. And some yelling from a mommy who is a little bit afraid of hights, which is a problem when you try to take a stroller (with a nearly two year old in it) down an escalator. Yes, I know that is forbidden, but the elevator was out of use and the stairs were being painted. We were trying to catch a train and taking him out of the stroller was not a time saving alternative. Fortunately someone from the railway service assisted us in going down the escalator. My heart was pounding in my chest. Never more are we going on a bear hunt.

For Valentine’s Day I got a huge flower arrangement from my husband. I love flowers, so I’m thoroughly enjoying them standing on our dinner table. The bouquet includes seven fat roses, five glamourous red ones and two luscious pink. It’s a gorgeous center piece. I surprised my hubs with some chocolate hearts (which I ate most of) and a Chromecast for our bedroom TV (which I installed and used, so far). Great gift, don’t you think? But it is nice to have another special day (next to our meeting and wedding anniversary, both in august) to celebrate love and show appreciation to eachother. We both know we are loved. We are having dinner together (without the kids, I mean) next friday. I’m looking forward to that, as you can imagine. I think it’s the first time since our fourth son was born four months ago. Our new nanny started two weeks ago, it’s super to have someone reliable again who is skilled in taking care of four kids under five, next to ourselves. What do your formal childcare arrangements look like?

Okay, that’s it for today, the babe is waking up. I want to be an especially present mom for him since he will very probably be my last. I’m done with being pregnant. Yes, time to get my body back!

Have a good end to your weekend, a good week ahead of you!